Pencils down! Please pause your curation activity in EOL v2

Dear EOL Community: We’re upgrading to the new EOL platform next month. Please bear with us as we box up all the EOL data, including your work, to transfer into the new database.

Your activity up to today in the EOL v2 platform (the site at as of this writing) is being cached, in preparation for the move: trust/untrust/hide actions, image ratings, image crops, comments, common names, and contributed articles. We’ll need some time to put everything back together on the new platform. Please hold off on further curation in the old platform, as your work from now through next month may be lost. Curation tools in EOL v3 will be rolled out gradually, so you’ll get some time off before we invite you back to contribute in the new system.

Any questions?

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Thank you for the update. I appreciate moving to the new platform is time-consuming and requires great care.

However, this warning comes at short notice. I use the site regularly (and query the API on a daily basis). When you say (new) work may be lost how likely is that? Will the API remain active?

I will be shortly be demonstrating an app that queries the API (and curated data) and therefore would welcome more detail (potential down-time, etc.).

Kind regards


Hello, Daniel! We don’t anticipate an interruption in API service. The warning is only for users adding content to the platform.



Thank you for your swift response, Jen. It is appreciated. Any news of future changes ahead of time will be helpful.

Best of luck with the migration and update.

Kind regards


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Do we have to re-apply for Curators or when it will be live you are going to notify us?

Good question, Chris! We’ll notify v2 curators when the first curator tools come back up. You won’t need to reapply.
