Matching EOL species to iNaturalist pages

Hi Jen,

I hope I am posting this question to the right forum – my question is related to EOL open data services.

You hinted in an earlier post that EOL had harvested some photos from iNaturalist:

If I wanted to match EOL species entries with iNaturalist pages, what approach would you suggest? I looked at the identifier maps here:

but I didn’t see anything that seemed like it would be of much help with mapping EOL to iNaturalist.

Thank you!

  • Greg
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Apologies for the state of our downloads platform, @Greg_Turk ! The product we’ve been using has gotten very difficult to maintain and things are in some disorder as we migrate to zenodo. As it happens, one of my colleagues just set up the file I think you need. The full list of resource_id values is linked from there but the one you want, for iNat, is 53. Let me know if that doesn’t help!


Thank you so much, Jen! Also, please pass along my thanks to Katja Schulz if you happen to see her. This is exactly what I was looking for. Once I knew that these records contained iNaturalist references, I was able to figure out that the resource_id that I want is 1177. I found 485171 relevant records, which is a huge treasure trove.

  • Greg

Oh yes, that resource works too. We do have a couple of datasets representing the iNat system. Good hunting!