There is a new species of Paraparatrechina found in the Eastern Himalayas now named Paraparatrechina neela. I looked it up in the EOL database and it apparently doesn’t have this. Can I please add this or create a wiki page for this?
Ah, I see the species was just added to wikidata last summer. Wikidata is always a good place to check. If a taxon is added there it will eventually make its way into EOL, as will the corresponding wikipedia article and the original article in Zookeys, since both of them are available, open access sources. The lag time to EOL is particularly long right now as we are preparing to upgrade the servers; the update schedule has fallen behind.
Yes I am sorry I should have rephrased my question, can I add info to the species becuase I don’t see any info at all.
You can certainly edit the wikipedia article. Any changes you make will be propagated to EOL when we finally update our wikipedia resource. I’m afraid there’s no way to write directly to an EOL page. We tried it in the early years. At worst it’s an inferior collaborative editing experience- those interfaces are actually quite hard to design well. At best it’s still not worth doing, as it divides the online contributor community. People are doing high quality work in wikipedia and in the smaller more specialized portals. We prefer to distribute what those creators are already writing.
Oh. Well thank you for the quick response! It’s greatly appreciated!
Wait so I can’t get the wiki edit badge
I’m not very familiar with wikipedia badges. You don’t mean you can’t get access? If it’s a question of recognition, those systems may not be automated. There may be delays if a human from the wikipedia community needs to do something.
No I mean the wiki edit badge on the EOL